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In nessun caso i tuoi dati personali saranno diffusi e/ o comunicati a terzi a meno che tu non accetti esplicitamente i Cookie di profilazione di terze parti che consentono a tali soggetti di raccogliere ed incrociare i tuoi dati personali con altri in loro possesso come descritto nella nostra Cookie Policy.

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PRECISION OF USER DETAILS Within sensible limits, Gothamsiti S.r. l. will endeavour to ensure that individual data about users is accurate and thorough.  Related Source Here  can help Gothamsiti S.r. l. to keep precise records by notifying the business of any changes to your individual information. 9. ANONYMOUS INFORMATION Gothamsiti S.r. l.

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Subsequently, Gothamsiti S.r. l. may reveal the non-personal information to other people and permanently keep it for future use. 10. PERSONAL DATA RETENTION I tuoi dati personali saranno archiviati ed elaborati in server situati all'interno del territorio dell'UE. I tuoi dati personali saranno conservati per 2 anni ed esclusivamente in conformit con le finalit descritte nella presente Informativa sulla personal privacy.

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l. pu conservare tutti o alcuni dei tuoi dati personali per un periodo pi lungo se necessario per l'accertamento, l'esercizio o la difesa di un diritto in sede giudiziaria. 11. INDIVIDUAL INFORMATION ABOUT CHILDREN Gothamsiti S.r. l. never ever knowingly gathers personal information about minors. If you realize that individual data has unintentionally been gathered about a small, just send an e-mail to Gothamsiti S.r.

and the information will be removed from the systems. Users who are minors must not send out or publish any information on the Website. 12. MODIFICATIONS TO THIS NOTICE In order to adapt to changes at Gothamsiti S.r. l., ongoing technological advancements and changes to the law, this notice may be modified periodically at Gothamsiti S.r.

You will get a notice about these changes through the e-mail address you have formerly provided Gothamsiti S.r. l. with. Gothamsiti S.r. l. will collect, utilize and reveal your individual information in accordance with the variation of this notice that is in force at the time. All brand-new variations of the notice will be published on the Website.